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Ihya is an initiative of Tabah Foundation United Kingdom, established in 2022 with an aim to publicly disseminate classical Islamic traditions of human spiritual refinement and ethics in a manner that speaks to the needs of contemporary life.We seek to facilitate spaces that cater for anyone, regardless of their background and level of knowledge and practice. To this end, we offer different program formats, including day study's, weekend retreats, termly seminars, and regular gatherings of remembrance.

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Habib Muhammad Al-Attas is a direct descendant of the holy Prophet ﷺ through his grandson al-Hussain. He was mentored under some of the great spiritual luminaries of our time in the holy lands and Hadramawt, Yemen. He specialises in the classical works of sira (prophetic biography), shama'il (prophetic portrait and characteristics), and the works of Imam al-Ghazali and Imam al-Haddad on spiritual refinement, practice, and cultivation of the heart and continues to teach and invite to the spiritual and ethical call of Islam.Ihya is pleased to arrange two Day Study programs in London and Manchester.LONDON
The set text for London is The Spheres of Islam, Iman, Ihsan, & Irfan by Habib Abd al-Rahman Bilfaqih (d.1749). This text is an explanation of the famous hadith of Jibril, in which the holy Prophet ﷺ explained the different dimensions of Islam as practice (Islam), creed (Iman), and spirituality (Ihsan). The author adds a fourth dimension that imbues the others in order to give a complete and comprehensive insight into Islam. The teacher will summarise the text and provide some key insights into its chapters.
The set text for Manchester is The Lives of Man by Imam al-Haddad (d.1720). This text is an important and insightful journey into the life of man, beginning from before his birth to the afterlife. Imam al-Haddad explains each stage of the journey of the soul and helps us to contextualise our temporary life on earth in relation to the longer journey that is to be traversed. The teacher will summarise the text and provide key insights into its chapters.
Register your interest for the Day Study - London program and book your ticket for the Day Study - Manchester program by clicking the links below:

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The Ihya Seminar Series is our core program consisting of seminars delivered across three subject areas - sharia, tasawwuf (spirituality), and hikma (philosophy) - every term in different cities in the UK. In these seminars, topics of contemporary concern across the three themes are treated with focus and relevance, with particular attention to the capacity of the participant to absorb and learn the knowledge that is imparted.LEVELS
The seminar series consists of two levels:
Level I seminars cover foundational matters and provide a general but thorough outline of the primary theme.Level II seminars take a subject related to the theme and studies it in greater depth.Through this seminar series, we endeavour to introduce our communities to a living tradition and the depth and richness of its offering.SUBJECT AREAS
Sharia encompasses integral topics and themes across the entire spectrum of Islamic knowledge, with particular focus on the knowledge traditions that are connected to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, such as his word (hadith), biography (sira), and his portrait (shama'il).
Tasawwuf (spirituality) is focused on topics and themes that are integral to understanding the knowledge and practice of spirituality in a person's life and surroundings.Hikma (philosophy) addresses topics that seek to understand things for the sake of knowing where they properly fit in life and the world, and knowing the role of the human self in relation to that.

Maan al-Dabbagh

Sharia I
Connecting to the Prophet ﷺ through Hadith Science
This seminar looks at how past generations have exerted tremendous efforts to preserve the holy prophet's word and how this effort aids in forging a connection to him and his message today.

Abaas Yunas

Tasawwuf I
The Place of Spirituality (Tasawwuf) in the Islamic Tradition
Spirituality, or Tasawwuf, is both a science (ilm) and a practice. In this seminar, we explore its place in the disciplines of the Islamic tradition and its relation to faith (iman) and devotion (ibada), while also touching on its subject matter and the central questions it seeks to answer.

Tasawwuf II
Seeds of Spirituality (Tasawwuf)
Drawing on classical texts of Islamic spirituality (tasawwuf), this seminar discuss its practical aspects, including how the luminaries of the tradition have described its beginning, and how the teachings of the path are learnt and integrated into our lives.

Muhammad Sami

Hikma I
Hikma and the Spiritual Path
The perfection of human traits and capacities is a topic that is often misunderstood in modern times, yet perfection is an attainable aspiration in Islamic spirituality. In this seminar, we will explore the relationship between human perfection and spirituality through the lens of the hikma (philosophical) tradition.


For details of forthcoming seminars check our current term schedule.

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Day Study

Day Study programs are an opportunity to study a classical text in tasawwuf, either in full, part, or summary, with a teacher who is authorised and connected to the author through a direct chain of transmission.Day Study programs are typically 4-6 hours long and intended to immerse students and learners in the profound intellectual heritage of tasawwuf. The Day Study offers an avenue to explore the intricacies of the human self and psyche, the heart, spiritual refinement, and spiritual practices as taught and transmitted through generations of scholars and spiritual luminaries.Details on our Autumn 2024 Day Study programs are available here.

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This December Ihya will hold its first winter retreat in the scenic surroundings of the Peak District in England. In this retreat we will have classes teaching classical texts on spirituality, supplementary lectures on topics that illuminate aspects of the integrality of the Islamic tradition, morning and evening adkhar (litanies), and gatherings of remembrance (dhikr) and poetry (madih).This retreat is best suited to anyone who is looking for an introduction and acquaintance to the Islamic spiritual tradition and an insight into its place within Islam and one's life more generally. For those who may already have this familiarity, the retreat offers an opportunity to build practice and solidfy foundations.DATE & TIME
Friday 13th - Sunday 15th December, 2024
Arrival: 13th Dec, 4pm - 6pm
Departure: 15th Dec, 4pm
Set Text • Ibn Ataʾillah's Hikam (Book of Wisdoms).
Supplementary Lectures • Integrality of the Sharia sciences (theology, law, and spirituality); philosophy (Hikma) and spirituality; the lives of man.
The retreat fee includes accomodation and meals. The venue is an all inclusive building. Men and women will be assigned separate floors for their accomodation. Each room contains multiple beds and lodging will be on a shared basis. Most rooms have en-suite facilities with remaining rooms having shared bathroom facilities. Prices will reflect these differences. All meals will be freshly prepared onsite.
Fee options are £210, £240, and £290, depending on the accommodation option you choose.
Package 1 - (£210) - Quad Bedroom (4 single beds) or Twin Room (2 single beds) with Shared Bathroom.
Package 2 - (£240) - Quad Bedroom (4 single beds) or Twin Room (2 single beds) with Ensuite Bathroom.
Package 3- (£290) - Bedroom with Double Bed & Ensuite Bathroom.
Note: The Package 1 option is severely limited.TEACHERS
Maan al-Dabbagh
Muhammad Sami
Nourhan Ibrahim
Abaas Yunas
Please see the FAQs for further information.

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Q. What is included in the registration fees?
A. The registration fee will include Accommodation for two nights, freshly made food from Friday evening (dinner) to Sunday afternoon (lunch), classes on classical texts, supplementary lectures, daily litanies (adhkar), gatherings of remembrance (dhikr) & poetry (madih).
Q. If I have to cancel my booking once I have secured a space for the retreat, will I get a refund?
A. Once you have secured your space by paying the fee for the retreat, your payment will be non-refundable unless we find someone else to take the vacant place, in which case the refund can be processed.
Q. How early can we arrive on Friday, 13 December?
A. The retreat venue will be available on Friday 13th December from 4:00 pm. Attendees who arrive early will not have access to their rooms prior to 4:00 pm.
The retreat will conclude on Sunday 15 December at 4:00 pm.Q. Will parking be available?
A. Yes. There is on-site parking (12-15 spaces) as well as free parking on the side road which is three minutes walking distance from the venue.
Q. How many meals will be provided during the retreat?
A. Dinner will be provided on Friday 13 December. Breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday 14 December & Breakfast and lunch on Sunday 15 December. Meals will all be prepared on-site, freshly cooked.
Q. Will there be any opportunities for outdoor excursions?
A. There will be periods in the morning on Saturday & Sunday for participants to voluntarily explore some of the walking trails around the retreat site.
Q. Will there be WiFi available?
A. Yes
Q. What type of accommodation is available?
A. We will be offering a range of different accommodation packages for this retreat. Please see the main page for the retreat for details.
Q. Can I bring children to this retreat?
A. This retreat is only for adults who are 18 years or over.
Q. Will males and females be housed separately?
A. Yes, and staff will be taking all measures to ensure privacy. However, please do note that accommodation rooms, the teaching space, and the kitchen are in one building. Females will have their own floor(s) with no male access permitted. Males will be accomodated separately on their own floor.
Q. Will transportation be provided?
A. No. All attendees must make their way to and from the venue. Transportation costs are not included in the registration fee.

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Maan al-Dabbagh

Maan al-Dabbagh is Director of Tabah Research and a teaching fellow at Ihya. He studied the traditional Islamic sciences with teachers and scholars from the Hijaz region (Makka, Madina, and Jedda). He has an academic interest in the intellectual history of the Hijaz region and completed his doctorate at the University of Cambridge.

Abaas Yunas

Abaas Yunas is Director of Tabah Foundation United Kingdom and a teaching fellow at Ihya. He studied the core Islamic sciences with teachers from across the Muslim world and served in various capacities with Tabah Foundation in Abu Dhabi and Cairo. He is interested in questions concerning ethics and how we ought to live and is writing a doctoral thesis on the practical philosophy of Imam al-Ghazali at the University of Oxford.

Muhammad Sami

Muhammad Sami is Convenor of the Tabah Philosophy Seminar in Cairo and a teaching fellow at Ihya. He studied the sharia and intellectual sciences in Cairo, Egypt with teachers from Egypt, West Africa, and Yemen. He is interested in the intersection between philosophy (hikma), kalam, and tasawwuf. His doctoral research at University of Oxford was on the works of Mulla Jami.

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To keep informed of our programs, please follow us on our social media channels and join our WhatsApp announcement group. All links below. For all other correspondence, you can reach us through email.